Sports Physiotherapy


Sports physiotherapy involves in the prevention and management of injuries resulting from participation in sport and exercise at all ages and at all levels of ability.Sports injuries are different from regular injuries.These injuries are mainly found in athlete or sportsperson who is involved with any form of physical sports. Sports injuries are seen even in children. Nowadays injuries are very commonly seen in people working out in the gym. People engaging in sports only during weekend are alsomore prone to injuries, owing to their sedentary work week and the sudden physical activity during the weekend which takes a toll on their bodies. Sports physiotherapy promotes safe participation, active lifestyle to help individuals in improving and maintaining their quality of life.


  • Poor training practices/ Inappropriate techniques
  • Improper or worn out equipment and gears
  • Contact sports / direct impact sports
  • Insufficient warmup and stretching
  • Overtraining


  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Swollen muscles /Muscle strains
  • Concussion- dizziness, nausea, fatigue
  • Low back strain / pain
  • Rotator cuff / shoulder injury
  • ACL or knee ligament sprains
  • Meniscus tears
  • Runner’s or jumper’s knee/ Shin splint or stress fracture
  • Groin strain
  • Ankle sprains / Instabilities/ Plantar fascitis
  • Tennis elbow / Golfer’s elbow


  1. We begin by assessing your injury to determine its cause and severity.
  2. We begin a treatment plan to relieve your pain and inflammation.
  3. Personalized exercise prescription is used to improve mobility restrictions, improving flexibility and co-ordination.
  4. Restoring muscle movement and function as soon as possible.
  5. Planning strengthening exercises regimes to help return to pre-injury state.
  6. Improving cardio vascular fitness.
  7. Faster recovery and return to sports.
  8. Prevention of future injuries
  9. Help to achieve peak athletic performance.


  • Deep tissue and joint mobilisation
  • Massage and stretching
  • Manipulation
  • Exercise prescription/ range of motion/ strengthening
  • Proprioceptive training
  • Taping
Advanced techniques :
TENS /Electrical stimulation

This modality can trigger an innate and completely natural analgesic effect by stimulating specific sensory nerve fibers (including A-beta, A-delta, and C fibers), which both decrease the sensation of pain and release neurotransmitters that prolong the pain-relieving effects.

Acupuncture / dry needling

The insertion of needles provides a minor trauma to the skin, which stimulates the production of pain relieving chemicals both locally at the trauma site, and at the brain and spinal cord level. Chemicals such as endorphins and opioids are released and pain feedback channels from the pain source to the brain are blocked so that the level of pain perceived by the brain is reduced.


It not only provides pain relief but also decreases inflammation and promotes tissue repair.

Shockwave therapy

Helps in releasing growth factors that result in tissue repair, bone repair, improved blood circulation, inflammation reduction and pain relief.


Cell repair and regeneration therapy is a German Technology that uses a patented pattern of signal pulses of low intensity/frequency. These signals mimic the natural bioelectrical field that is present in the body. These bioelectrical fields are responsible to send signals to the brain to repair the wear and tear of the tissues in every part of the body. The tissues worn out only when these bioelectrical signals are disturbed due to trauma or ageing process overtime. By replication these disturbed bioelectrical fields we can help the body to repair the damaged tissues effectively at cellular level. These results in soft tissue repair, tissue regeneration, stimulation of cartilage regrowth, bone density improvement etc. which might eventually result in pain reduction.